Thursday 22 May 2014

We have at last moved further into the age of the internet and have our own website!!

You can find us and more of what we have been up to at

Thursday 27 March 2014

As I write this the weather has turned from being relatively warm and dry to wet cold rain on an easterly wind, just what isn't wanted for those who have started lambing. There is thunder, lightning and hail outside at present! Hopefully it will warm again in a few days as the forecast is predicting.

Most of the winter grazing programme has been completed now and with all the stock looking well after the milder winter. the Exmoor ponies are looking particularly sleek and well fed. The sheep are mostly back at the coast and being sorted into those that will be sold and those that will graze through the summer and next winter.

On that note shearling lamb sales will begin again in the next couple of weeks so if anyone is wanting any please get in touch through the email there will be plenty available of the next 3 months.

Thursday 23 January 2014

Time seems to have flown by since the onset of autumn with lots of stock to move onto their winter grazing sites and a new intake of sheep arriving.
Most of the cattle are now safely away to their winter quarters and with just a few left to graze a parcel of selected sites around north Tyneside. With the weather turning much wetter since the turn of the year we will have to watch the ground conditions carefully for the remainder of the winter to make sure the swards are left in the appropriate condition for the spring.
The new year has also seen the St Georges group being disbanded, a victim of cutbacks within the NHS, which means we will be short of stock checkers for a couple of sites so if anyone lives nearby and fancies some fresh air while checking the animals let me know!

Shetland wethers arriving to grazing some whin sill grassland near Hexham.