Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Things are settling back into a rather wet routine again now after the snow. Hopefully we will get a settled spell for a while to help the water drain away. Thanks to our volunteer checkers who have been keeping a regular on the stock.

This morning I came across a couple of young roe deer in one of the fields, they seemed to be a bit lost. I think they are last years calves (twins) and have probably just been driven off their home territory by their mother and are now having to find their own way and establish territories of their own.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

The animals seem to enjoying the change in the weather from the constant rain. The cold doesn't really bother them and the snow isn't deep enough to cause them a problem as they are happy to dig down through it to the grass.

 The only small issue we have had is with an occasional sheep becoming tangled in bramble bushes.
There will be one or two groups to move to new pastures once the snow melts away and it is safe to move them in the trailer.