Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Harry and Bertie two Exmoor ponies have arrived at Prestwick Carr to help with the grazing. The first job was for them to check out their woolly neighbours!

..........then the boundaries.....with a snack along the way of course!

Jo who works at the Wildlife Trust came along to help move some sheep to Claravale nature reserve. Jess was quite impressed with her gathering skills but is not too concerned that her job is under threat just yet!!

The sheep in question mostly Swaledales with a few Hebrideans for good measure soon settled into their new home where they will spend the next 2-3 weeks tidying back the new seasons growth before moving on and leaving the site empty until it is grazed again in the late summer / autumn.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

The sheep preparing to leave Holywell. The broadleaved plants are starting to emerge in the meadow now so it is time for the sheep to leave. The grass has been taken down nice and short which will reduce the competition for the other species of plants as they start their growing season. Come June they should be in full flower and once they have set and shed their seed the meadow will be cut and baled for hay, which depending on the weather should be in late July. The sheep will then return in the autumn to graze of the regrowth of grass that occurs in late summer.

Jess has great fun rounding them up and just dares them to escape from the pen so she can chase them back in again!